
Drama therapy is a creative therapeutic approach that was born in the nineteen-twenties. It uses theatrical means to find favourable balance between mental, physical (somatic) and cognitive areas. The focus of drama therapy is the process of active creation based on metaphor, fantasy, working with body and space, projection, interactions and (group) dynamics. By means of a play, a story, a role or a situation we focus on broadening of the view of the situation itself, on the search of possible solutions to its difficult part, on the treatment of traumatic experiences but at the same time on strengthening of the positive experience.
DvT – a method by New York dramatherapist and psychologist David R. Johnson, based on understanding of the process and of the dynamics of a free-floating dramatic play situated in a carefully arranged dramatherapeutic setting. The main pillars are embodiement, playspace, encounter, transformation and stability within an unstable environment. For more about method click here
Contact: MgA. Viktor Dočkal, Ph.D.
tel.: +420 608 258 011
Session cost: 1 300,- Kč/50 min
DvT – a method by New York dramatherapist and psychologist David R. Johnson, based on understanding of the process and of the dynamics of a free-floating dramatic play situated in a carefully arranged dramatherapeutic setting. The main pillars are embodiement, playspace, encounter, transformation and stability within an unstable environment. For more about method click here
Contact: MgA. Viktor Dočkal, Ph.D.
tel.: +420 608 258 011
Session cost: 1 300,- Kč/50 min